USDA’s July Cattle on Feed report was released on Friday July 19th. These monthly reports estimate inventory in US feedlots with one-time capacity exceeding 1,000 head, which represent more than 80% of total on-feed inventory in the United States. The July report is also a quarterly report that includes data on the steer-heifer mix in feedlots. This brief article will walk through last week’s report and some of the implications of it.
Total on-feed inventory declined during the month of June with July 1 inventory estimated at just over 11.2 million head. This trend is normal as on-feed numbers tend to decline seasonally from winter to late summer. Compared to 2023, July 2024 inventory was actually about 0.5% higher. On the surface this seems odd given the recent declines in the size of calf crops, but I maintain that cheap feed and higher slaughter weights are largely the reason for this as cattle are being fed longer.
By: Kenny Burdine, University of Kentucky