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Is Beef Breeding Derailing the U.S. Dairy Industry?

Beef-on-dairy breeding has revolutionized the U.S. cattle industry, shored up dwindling fed-beef cattle supplies, and added considerable black ink to the bottom lines of dairies in recent years.

But is it a phenomenon gone too far? Regardless of industry, mega-trends can carry with them unintended consequences. Veteran dairy data expert and thought leader Steve Eicker, DVM, fears the lure of lucrative near-term cash-outs on beef-cross calves may be altering the course of the U.S. dairy business to damaging degrees.

Eicker, co-founder of Valley Agricultural Software and its popular Dairy Comp 305 herd management software, acknowledged that beef-cross calves have plugged many holes in the nation’s beef animal supply. At just over 28 million head, the U.S. beef cow herd size is at a 70-plus-year low.

By Maureen Hanson

September 18, 2024



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