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When is Alfalfa Ready to Cut?

The stress of forage season is officially underway for farmers across the country. With alfalfa being one of the most important forage crops on the farm and feed prices on the rise, it’s critical to ensure your stand is harvested in a timely manner to maximize quality while preserving quantity. But when is alfalfa ready to cut? The Pennsylvania State University dairy extension team provides the following tips to consider:


What’s Your Crop’s Life Expectancy? - The intensity of cutting management (the number of cuttings made per year) should be based on the desired quality and life expectancy of the crop. If the goal is to have a long-lived stand, then a longer cutting interval should be considered. If the crop is being grown under a short rotation (three years or less), then more cuttings may be desirable to maximize forage quality.


May 11, 2023

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