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Will Hot Weather Give Milk Prices the Surge They Need?

Milk production continues to decline as summer weather takes its toll on cow comfort. This is seasonal, varying from year to year depending on humidity and temperatures and the duration of those events. If hot weather events are short, milk production will bounce back. If those events are extended, production will be impacted, and cows will not regain the previous level of milk output impacting their lactation curve. Milk production per cow is generally affected during the summer months. Farms have made great strides in using technology and cooling systems to minimize the impact of hot weather.

Milk production continues to hold well despite the decline leaving sufficient milk available for demand. Milk production per cow in May was down 3 pounds from May 2023 totaling 2,105 pounds. This was an increase of 62 pounds per cow from April. There is generally a substantial increase in production per cow from April to May with a significant decrease through the summer months. A significant decline is expected in June due to some of the early hot weather experienced and the potential for a noticeable impact from the H5N1 virus. However, farms seem to be managing the spread of the virus with increased biosecurity and practices. It remains an issue that impacts farms, but it has not been a main topic in the news recently.


July 23, 2024



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