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On-farm Bovine Pregnancy Test Kit Technology Finally Arrives


June 17, 2022

For decades, women have been able to find out if they are pregnant in a matter minutes, using inexpensive, urine-based test kits in the privacy and convenience of their own homes.

Unfortunately, the same has not been true for cows. While many alternatives to palpation have evolved over the years, a quick, convenient, on-farm pregnancy test kit has remained elusive.

Now, IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. has brought to market the Alertys OnFarm Pregnancy Test, which can be used cowside to determine pregnancy as early as 28 days post-breeding or 70 days post-calving. Results are available in 5-20 minutes.

Alertys evaluates for pregnancy using a sample of whole blood, serum, or plasma. It determines pregnancy by measuring pregnancy associated glycoproteins (PAGs), which only are produced in the presence of an embryo or fetus. And, just like a human test, it indicates pregnancy with a reading of two pink lines.

The tests are available worldwide and are sold individually or in boxes of 25. They retail for around $8.00 per test. A list of distributors can be found here.



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