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Springer Values Stronger, Calves Go Wild


Holstein springer values were mixed in four reported markets over the past month, topping out at $2,675 in Minnesota, but falling in Wisconsin and California. The real story for the month is in calves. Holstein heifer calf values are at moderate levels less than $200/head. Male and beef-cross calves, on the other hand, are through the roof. In both Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, newborn Holstein steer calves are fetching a hefty $300-450/head, and their beef-cross counterparts are seeing meteoric values for day-old calves as high as $750/head. According to industry consultant Nevil Speer, the impact of strategic beef-on-dairy breeding, and the current demand for calves from the beef sector, means dairy cows are officially doing double duty to make themselves profitable.

November 14, 2023



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