USDA has begun issuing additional payments under the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2 (CFAP 2) effort to underserved farmers and ranchers using Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) funds except for those to tobacco farmers where payments will be funded by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).
The additional payments will be equal to 15% of the producer’s previous CFAP 2 payments. The payments were to be processed and made available to county FSA offices to certify around Jan. 11. USDA said the payments would be issued within 30 days.
Read more: We Have ERP Phase II
Contract growers are not eligible for these additional payments.
The payments were part of a final rule on CFAP and other aid efforts released Jan. 11 and are expected to total $325 million.
January 12, 2023