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Brian Basting: Lock in A Floor, Maintain Flexibility

Sara Schafer

January 18, 2021

The rare occurrence of a downtrend in supply and an uptrend in demand put the grain markets on an upward trend to close out 2020. For 2021, be prepared for a good old-fashioned acreage battle. In response, create a disciplined marketing game plan. We asked eight analysts to provide their best estimates on price direction and market strategies you can employ in 2021. Here is one of eight.

Brian Basting, Advance Trading

Closely monitor weather trends in Brazil and Argentina. Any shortfall in corn or soybean production could boost U.S. exports further and support prices. Also, watch for increases in U.S. soybean and corn acreage in 2021. A larger-than-expected increase combined with trend-line yields could send prices lower.

This year, we’ll have the unknown impact of COVID-19. Any disruption in trade related to lockdowns could pressure the market, while a successful vaccine implementation could offer price support.

Try locking in a floor for projected 2021 production but also maintain marketing flexibility. That’s because the market could offer a pricing opportunity well before crops are planted, or at least prior to harvest. All too often we see producers not willing to take a small profit, yet they take large losses.

As for tools, options establish a floor for anticipated (or realized) production, but also provide the opportunity to participate in rallies. An advantage of buying a put option is if a crop production problem surfaces, bushels are not committed to be delivered. It is prudent to also add cash sales to your portfolio. Risk is known when using long options in terms of the amount of loss, but not the likelihood of loss.

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