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Central Plains Dairy Expo Happening Soon

Dairy enthusiasts from the upper Midwest and across the country will convene for the Central Plains Dairy Expo on March 28-30 in Sioux Falls, SD.

The annual show will feature 300-plus exhibitors and innovative products, services and technologies; 63 informative breakout sessions, including 10 presented in Spanish; and award-winning, free entertainment.

“We welcome dairy producers, calf and heifer growers, beef feedlot, farm and ranch employees and managers to attend this year’s Central Plains Dairy Expo,” said Kristopher Bousquet, Plains Dairy Association president. “CPDE plays a key role in facilitating and supporting the future growth, relevancy and vitality of the region’s dairy industry.”

Country music star Sara Evans will perform at the welcome reception on March 28. Evans is multi-platinum entertainer and the fifth most-played female artist on country radio.

Educational sessions of interest to dairy calf and heifer raisers include:

“Mycoplasma, the Cunning Chameleon” by Dr. Matt Boyle, Zoetis

This talk will focus on the insidious, progressive nature of BRD caused by Mycoplasma bovis in calves. The way that this bug evades the immune system, compounded with the ability of calves to hide early signs of pneumonia, often leaves us behind the eight ball when these calves are eventually identified as needing treatment. Dr. Boyle will discuss new information that provides a pathway for effective immunization against this troubling bug through novel vaccine technology.

“Calf Care Seminar: Common problems that challenge your calf program when protocols drift,” by Mario Solis Flores, Form-A-Feed

Protocol drift is one of the main enemies of a consistently successful calf raising program. There are several common pitfalls that dairy farms find themselves in that lead to poor calf health and well-being. This will be a very practical seminar on management and labor practices that your farm needs to pay attention to on a regular basis to ensure excellent calf health and future profitability of your farm. We will focus on topics such as hydration, nutrition, equipment, colostrum, and sick calf identification and care.

Additional sessions will focus on topics ranging from transition cow strategies to robotic milking, and dairy market outlook perspectives to recycled manure.

New to the Expo this year is the “Ed (Education) Shed.” Select exhibitors will introduce new products, share new service and product features, and demonstrate product benefits and ease of use. Also new this year is “Future Connections.” This program supports future dairy leaders by connecting young dairy enthusiasts to innovate, connect and inspire.

Plus, this year’s Expo includes a Farm Bill Forum featuring congressional representatives and their staff. Speakers will address Federal Milk Marketing Order reform, crop programs, and food/school lunch programs

Lasting traditions that also will return include a fundraising auction by the Central Plains Dairy Foundation, and the annual prayer breakfast.

The Central Plains Dairy Expo remains a free trade show for producers, but registration is required. Register online here and learn more about the new mobile app covering all of the activities at the conference.


March 15, 2023



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