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Job Approval Pulse Poll Shows Biden Has Big Hill to Climb with Ag

John Herath

February 25, 2021

Respondents to the Farm Journal Pulse poll, who had shown a strong affinity to Donald Trump, now say they strongly disapprove of the job so far by President Joe Biden.

Of the 1,459 respondents, 75% said they strongly disapprove of Biden’s job so far as president. Only 9% strongly approve while 5% somewhat approve.

The Farm Journal Pulse is sent via text to approximately 5,000 farmers, ranchers and others involved in agriculture.

“We're not focusing on anything of substance,” said farmer Casey Schumacher of Nebraska on the AgriTalk Radio Show. “We went from impeachment No. 2 to now a $1.9 trillion giveaway full of pork. It was very short-sighted to use reconciliation on this $1.9 trillion stimulus deal. If he would have went for the infrastructure, I think maybe you would have seen a turn, but it’s just going back to same old Washington, I think is people's thoughts.”

Pro Farmer Policy Analyst Jim Wiesemeyer agreed that pushing through a stimulus bill with no expected Republican votes is driving the ag sentiment reflected in the Pulse poll.

“He campaigned on bipartisanship but it looks like they're governing on partisanship, to be fair, and I think that's reflected in that poll,” he said.

A year ago, 83% of Pulse respondents said they strongly approve or somewhat approve of the job performance of then President Donald Trump.



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