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Class III Inching Closer to $20


June 3, 2020

In the CME Cash Dairy Product Trade cheddar blocks paused at their historical highs of $2.5050/lb.  Barrels are playing catch up, jumping 9.75 cents to $2.31/lb.  Butter gained .0050 to $1.7250.  Grade A Nonfat Milk rose .0025 to $1.0175/.  Dry Whey gained 1.75 cents to .3275/lb.  

Class III milk futures continued its tear higher.  June milk touched $20.00 before settling at $19.85/cwt.  July milk ascended 48 cents to $18.74.  August milk added 30 cents to $17.40/cwt.  Second half 2020 gained 8-48 cents to $17.20/cwt.  

Class IV milk futures also saw an impressive move higher today.  June milk skyrocketed 59 cents to $14.20/cwt.  July milk climbed 22 cents to $15.30.  August milk added 52 cents to $15.84/cwt.  Second half 2020 improved 11-52 cents to $15.90/cwt.



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